Lee Tucker
ELA Teacher
School: 770-459-5185
Google Voice: 678-310-6412
Courses Taught
World Literature
Honors World Literature
I have taught in the VR English department since 2007. I received a Bachelor's Degree from Johnson University in 2005 and a Master's Degree in Secondary English from Liberty University in 2010. In 2023, I completed National STEM certification. I'm also the sponsor for the Writer's Guild organization, which publishes a bi-monthly digital literary magazine.
My wife, Emily, is the Instructional Coach at Temple Middle School, and our daughter, Abby Kate, is an Ithica Titan!

Supply List
Notebook (Composition or 3-ring binder is fine)
Notebook Paper
Pen or pencil
Sticky Notes
Notebook Paper
Pen or pencil
Sticky Notes